
The space of the Center is open only by appointment.


LANGUAGE: Ελληνικά-Greek & English

Available translation in Spanish & French

For the meditation groups and trainings you need to book your place in advance.


Individual sessions: both live & online

Choose your session

Available online sessions: OSHO Neo Reiki (with a Master Degree session giver),  DeHypnosis guided meditation (recording is given to use daily), Family Constellation, OSHO Meditation session (in depth information and guidance), Counseling, Meditation Coaching (for those who practice meditation daily) and DeHypnosis Coaching (for those who use the recording guided meditation daily).


The Women’s Meetings with Sada are starting again on September 30,  2024 every 14 days on Mondays.


DeHypnosis is now available with an individual session live at Neo Psychiko or online (a recording is given to use daily before sleep) or you can ask for the recording of the guided relaxation meditation directly without a session.


More about, see the following program information.

OSHO Neo Reiki Second Degree Training (GR/EN)


12 – 13 – 14 July 2024

OSHO Neo Reiki is a name given by Osho to ancient knowledge with the understanding that meditation and relaxation exist only in the present moment and in the present moment you move out of time, into the new.


The Reiki Second Degree is available after the experience of the use and practice of First Degree for over a year or more. The energy with the Reiki Second Degree moves beyond the limits of space and time.


Larger amounts of energy and potentials are available through the initiation process of the group.

Indicative are:

– The ability of concentration and reinforcement of the energy in specific place and time.

– The ability of transmitting the energy at any distance, without limits and beyond time, past or future.

– The ability of transmitting the energy for the mental and emotional treatment of situations of the past.

– The ability to use the energy to make contact and treatment in situations or people.

– The ability to use energy techniques that bring clarity and answers to any question through a higher understanding.

– Integration of specific meditation techniques according Osho’s instructions and Reiki Second Degree.


It is an experiential group in which limitless potentials of the use of energy are taught, through symbols – keys, as delivered to us from manuscripts of Hawayo Takata. All the abilities of the techniques that are trained in OSHO Neo Reiki Second Degree are experienced practically during the process of the group.


The group is available to those who have OSHO Neo Reiki First Degree at least 9 months, practicing and have participated at least 1 time in Advanced OSHO Neo Reiki Training Part 1.


The group is for adults. Greek & English both available

Early booking in advance until 05/07/24 and phone interview are required.



Sada Danai Tsatsouli & Vikrant Alexandros Papaioannou

Short CV, in English:



Friday 12/07: 19:00 – 00:00 pm
Saturday 13/07: 11:00 – 22:00 pm
Sunday 14/07: 11:30 – 20:30 pm



Training live at Neo Psychiko Meditation Center, Attiki: 1.100 €



• 25 hours training

• OSHO Neo Reiki Second Degree Certificate

• free participation in all the upcoming groups and trainings of OSHO Neo Reiki First & Second Degree Training

• support in sharing OSHO Neo Reiki sessions professionally

• Practice and exchange of the Reiki session

• OSHO Meditations & DeHypnosis

• Follow up training process 21 days practitioners together (1-2 hours daily online)

• Follow up online meeting with the facilitators after 21 days of practice

• organic tea & coffee choices, vegan organic gluten free snack & meals





Book your place
by email:
by message – phone call:

+306979776409 (WhatsApp & Viber)

by filling the contact form:

OSHO Neo Reiki First Degree Training (GR/EN)


19 – 20 – 21 July 2024

OSHO Neo Reiki is a name given by Osho to ancient knowledge with the understanding that meditation and relaxation exist only in the present moment and in the present moment you move out of time, into the new.


Osho Neo Reiki First Degree is an experiential group, has an initiative procedure and offers the possibility of transmitting the energy through the hands by touching the body. Therapy on ourselves and on others is learned.

In the OSHO Neo Reiki First Degree group, meditation and OSHO Meditation techniques are learned.

A Reiki session is like resting during a night sleep. It refreshes, heals and fills the body with energy. It creates watchfulness and distance from the intensity of continuous and uncontrollable thoughts of the mind. The experience is unique and relaxing . Every time is different. It raises consciousness and it is simple to use.

The group is available to everyone, interview is required.


The group is for adults. Greek & English both available

Early booking in advance until 16/07/24 and phone interview are required.



Sada Danai Tsatsouli & Vikrant Alexandros Papaioannou

Short CV, in English:



Friday 19/07: 19:00 – 00:00 pm
Saturday 20/07: 11:00 – 21:30 pm
Sunday 21/07: 11:00 – 20:30 pm



Training live at Neo Psychiko Meditation Center, Attiki: 550 €



• 25 hours training

• OSHO Neo Reiki First Degree Certificate

• free participation in all the upcoming groups and trainings of OSHO Neo Reiki First Degree Training

• support in sharing OSHO Neo Reiki sessions professionally

• Practice and exchange of the Reiki session

• OSHO Active Meditations

• organic tea & coffee choices, vegan organic gluten free snack & meals





Book your place
by email:
by message – phone call:

+306979776409 (WhatsApp & Viber)

by filling the contact form:

OSHO Neo Reiki Full Moon Meditation FREE Event (EN / GR)


Monday 19 August 2024
at 20:30 pm UTC+3 EEST Greece time zone

ONLINE you have the opportunity to experience the Reiki session as a meditation.


This session with Sada and Vikrant, is an invitation for all participants to let go, and experience the energy of love, watchfulness and healing.


With Osho’ s guidance and the many years of experience in themselves and in hundreds of people, Sada and Vikrant, OSHO Neo Reiki Masters – Teachers and session givers, are creating and offering this space of OSHO Neo Reiki group session so you can allow to receive the benefits of this meditation and healing experience.



For your participation online:
• You need to book your place in advance.
• Connect to Zoom, with the link that will be sent to you when your registration is completed.
• Your device needs to be connected to audio and camera.
• You need to sit and / or lie down so that you are seen and be present during the whole meditation session. Further instructions will be given before the group starts.
• Participation fee: 0 €


Meditation is an offering.



You are most welcome to join us for FREE in this unique experience in this month’s full moon.

Book your place sending us your full name, mobile number, email
by email:
by message – phone call:
+302106717107, +306979776409 (WhatsApp & Viber)
by filling the contact form:

DeHypnosis (GR)


Sunday at 11 am – 14:00 pm
29 September 2024

ONLINE via Zoom:

Sunday 11:00 am – 14:00 pm (UTC +3 EEST time zone)

Meeting duration: 3 hours – including an active meditation, a guided dehypnosis meditation, time for sharing and short break


“I have tested this and found that the storms do subside. It is simply a matter of beginning to feel at peace, and peace descends. We make ourselves restless; we can also make ourselves calm. The attainment of peace is not a matter of practice, it is a matter of ‘right-feeling’.

Peace is our nature. Even in the midst of deep restlessness, there is a center where we are at peace. There is a person within us who is calmly asleep in the midst of all our storms. In this peaceful, still, unworried spot is our real existence. The miracle is that, despite its existence, we become restless. There is no miracle in returning there.

If you wish to be at peace, you can be so right now, right here. Practice brings results in the future, right feeling brings results instantly. ‘Right-feeling’ is the only real transformation.”

Osho, Seeds of Wisdom, Chapter 1


OSHO DeHypnosis – Meditative Hypnosis

The person sits or lies down and remains in a comfortable position in silence throughout the guidance of OSHO Hypnosis Guided Meditation and allows to follow the instructions through the voice of the instructor.This method unites the relaxation of the hypnosis and the alertness of the meditation, allowing to release repressed energies from the unconscious that occur in everyday life of the individual as conditionings, behaviors or habits. The process allows acceptance and transformation of these energies in a new consciousness potential.
The person, following the voice of the facilitator, relaxes from the constant activity of the mind and experiences the calmness, the aliveness and the innocence he had when he was a playful child.
Daily use of de-hypnosis session recording, just before bedtime requires no effort, rests deeply, brings and grows a natural peace center that is not dependent on external factors.

About Meditation and DeHypnosis


Program facilitators: Vikrant & Sada

About Vikrant & Sada


Participation fee: 40€ bank account deposit

→ The recording of the session is given to use daily before sleep, suggested for 28 days.
→ If you can not be with us on Sunday, you can book your place and receive the recording of the guided awakening meditation – dehypnosis.



For your participation online:
• You need to book your place in advance.
• Connect to Zoom, with the link that will be sent to you when your registration is completed.
• Your device needs to be connected to audio and camera.
• You need to sit and / or lie down so that you are seen. Further instructions will be given before the group meditation session.



Book your place
by email:
by message – phone call:
+302106717107, +306979776409 (WhatsApp & Viber)
by filling the contact form:

Women’s Meetings (GR)


Monday 30 September 2024
Monday 14 October 2024
at 7:30 pm UTC+3 EEST

Timings online:

Monday 19:30 – 22:30pm (UTC +3 EEST time zone)

Meeting duration: 3 hours


A meeting of hearts ♥ love, sharing and transformation for all the women who participate.
Each meeting is complete in itself and takes place every 14 days, on Mondays.
The process in this women meeting is dancing celebration ♫ dancing as meditation, sharing, experiential exercise-guided meditation.

The essence of the meeting is not something that can be transmitted, it can only be experienced and the magic every time is that although the meeting takes place online, the energy and love are transmitted, the healing happens, the strength of the women’s heart is experienced and transformation – when women unite through their feminine and receptive nature – happens naturally.
I am waiting for you to experience it together!
With love,


“Meditation is just being delighted in your own presence; meditation is a delight in your own being. It is very simple – a totally relaxed state of consciousness where you are not doing anything.” Osho


YouTube video about Women’s Meetings


Program facilitator: Sada

Sada has started with Osho meditation techniques and Reiki in 1997 at the young age of 13.5, by participating in Reiki groups, Sufi meditations, primal sessions and practicing daily alone, also with family and friends.

At the age of 20 she became Sannyasin and traveled to India for the first time at the OSHO International. Within 2 months – where she remained, she participated in her first women’s group. In the following years she continued her annual trips to India at the Osho Center in Pune.
By participating in many different groups of women, with different approaches and through her training in guiding different techniques of meditation, meditation hypnosis and therapy such as painting and family constellation – systemic, Sada has created and facilitates women’s groups and meetings that transform women with a very tender, loving and deep way.

More about Sada


Participation fee: 25€

bank account, vivawallet, cash


This group will be online via Zoom and will take place in Greek language.

Bookings: 2106717107, 6979776409 WhatsApp/Viber,

OSHO Neo Reiki Advanced Part 1 Training (GR/EN)


Dates Upon Request

OSHO Neo Reiki is a name given by Osho to ancient knowledge with the understanding that meditation and relaxation exist only in the present moment and in the present moment you move out of time, into the new.


Advanced OSHO Neo Reiki part 1 – “Regaining self love”.
It offers structures through which the inner space of the spiritual heart opens.

Experiments are done in “reading” the energy of another person, that show the differences between the perception of the head and that of the heart.
There is integration, according to Osho’s instructions, of the meditation techniques and Reiki.
Sensitivity, balance and healing of the energy centers are trained.
The role of the therapist is explored.

This is a training process and supports the creative communication of people in their personal and professional relationships.
It is also particularly useful for those who give Reiki sessions.

The group is available to those who have Reiki whatever level they have.
For those who wish to participate and are from another System of Reiki, interview is required.


The group is for adults. Greek & English both available

Early booking in advance and phone interview are required.



Sada Danai Tsatsouli & Vikrant Alexandros Papaioannou

Short CV, in English:



Friday: 19:30 – 23:30 pm
Saturday: 11:00 – 22:00 pm
Sunday: 11:00 – 21:00 pm



Training live at Neo Psychiko Meditation Center, Attiki: 550 €



• 25 hours training

• OSHO Neo Reiki Advanced Part 1 Certificate

• 63% discount in all the upcoming groups and trainings of OSHO Neo Reiki Advanced Part 1 Training

• support in sharing OSHO Neo Reiki sessions professionally

• Practice Advanced Reiki session

• guided DeHypnosis meditation

• organic tea & coffee choices, vegan organic gluten free snack & meals





Book your place
by email:
by message – phone call:

+306979776409 (WhatsApp & Viber)

by filling the contact form:


Available sessions at the space of OSHO Experience Greece, Neo Psychiko, Athens and online via Zoom or Social media:


We will keep you updated for the upcoming groups, courses and trainings.


With love,

Sada and Vikrant

OSHO Experience Greece Meditation Center Founders and Facilitators

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